The Cat of Insomnia

Just a quiet Sunday post about Edgar, the Cat of Insomnia.

I know there are many fellow insomniacs out there, and some aren’t lucky enough to have such a fine  sleeplessness companion. This is why I thought I’d share Edgar’s COI technique and, in so doing, offer some vicarious benefits.

After lying awake for hours … tossing, turning, examining each individual worry in my mind like a precious stone, viewing it from every angle so it can catch the light of  generalized anxiety and generally creating my own breathtaking, heart thumping prism of consternation … well, then I usually just give up and get out of bed.

While this marks another defeat in the “sleep hygiene” wars, there is consolation in knowing that the Maître d’Insomie awaits.

While Edgar is pretty quiet during the daytime, he comes into his own in the wee hours. As soon as any sleepless human staggers into the living room he starts purring and begins his important work.

Reading or knitting is discouraged by the COI (via gentle paw taps) as such things distract from full appreciation of the artistry at work here.

The best way to enjoy the service is to just sit there and breathe in and out (in and out, in and out …) with the purring.

Become one with the cat, as it were.

The slight downside is that, as you can well imagine, it’s hard to disturb the artiste when he’s in the creative flow, so I often end up staying up an hour or more longer that truly necessary.

I like to think that sitting with Edgar like this is almost as restful as actually being asleep as the various worries dull their sharp edges and fade into relative obscurity.

zzzzzzz …….





© junehunterimages, 2022. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to junehunterimages with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

10 thoughts on “The Cat of Insomnia

  1. Wish I could sleep like Edgar. There is a saying that goes something like …. if you want to learn how to relax, just watch a cat.

  2. Such a good story. That resonates with me – I also have periods of insomnia and…a cat. He does the same stuff. Somehow he makes it all better.

  3. June, An absolutely brilliant photo essay. Good for Edgar the COI to be so attentive and tend to your middle-of-the-night needs so lovingly instead of doing what most other cats would do; namely twitch a whisker and let you suffer alone. (Just kidding – I know cats are empathetic souls. Well, most of the time.)
    Sleep well!

  4. Cats are great teachers on how to live fully in the present moment. They have infinite patience for what may be down the rabbit hole, yet they wait and are fully present to this moment, until the instinct drives them elsewhere, if it does!.This moment, then this moment, then this moment…like a zen master… a learning for us!

  5. Oh I so relate to this post June… what a sant Edgar is offering you these soothing services. I get mine in the morning with belly rubs mandatory … the power of purrrrr… 😺

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